Fishing -- INTERMEDIATE School
For the last 20 years, have regularly chaperoned intermediate school students on school-sponsored fishing trips. Catalina Island, San Clemente Island, San Onofre, one-day, two-days, three-days… what’s a better way to get away from that smartphone and social media and go to nature! If you’ve been on a deep-sea fishing trip, you know it’s about more than just fishing! Seeing huge pods of dolphins, various species of whales, sharks, experiencing sunset/sunrise in the middle of the ocean… teamwork, marine biology, learning to love and respect our ocean and protect our natural resources… then sharing those experiences with the local community… culinary arts… delicious food which is healthy!… the list goes on and on! Full scholarships to students who needed financial assistance. As the school district no longer supports this opportunity, my goal is to continue this and similar experiences through LegaSeas.